Digital Adoption helped leading auto dealer improve Customer Satisfaction Rating by over 90%

Automobile Sector | Services Bot Implementation


reduction in call handling expenses


improvement in on-spot servicing instead of towing it to the workshop


Happy Customers


Large automotive dealer in India which offered roadside assistance to its customers were managing the service requests using 180+ tele-calling agents. They handled calls from customers across the country and redirected the calls to nearest service stations. This was turning out to be an expensive proposition plus there was no mechanism to track the service completion without multiple outgoing calls. Often service engineer had to tow the vehicle back to their service station since he was not prepared with right toolkit for the problem. With a well-stitched service CRM, the entire orchestration of the service request at various stages have been automated to be performed with real time tracking and monitoring

Client Statistics
No of tele-calling agents 191
No of Requests per day165
No of interactions per Request13
CommunicationMultilingual support over call
Mobile App Orchestration for field forceThrough mobile application of UNFYD® FSM reach out the customer for assistance
Real-time trackingAbility to track the status of the request
Multi-lingual SupportMobile App with a multi-lingual ability

Solution Overview

UNFYD® CRM End-2-End internal Service management orchestration from identifying the right Area Service to tracking the actions on service requests across various locations by customers through call

UNFYD® FSM - Mobile enabled Application to facilitate the service/ field engineers to be able to execute the and reach out to the customers for assistance

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